Advance Behavioral Health Services



Patient (or their representative) must understand their OWN network, plan benefits, and plan limitations. Your health insurance is an agreement between you and your insurance. All charges are ultimately your responsibility, whether you have insurance or not. Not all services are covered under all plans, regardless of whether our providers consider the care medically necessary. Because there are so many plans, it is not possible for us to know the specific details of your coverage. By making a copy of your card, it does not confirm that we are part of your Network. We always do our best, but the failure of our office staff to identify out-of-network plans does not waive your responsibility for payment of services rendered.

We are in network with most traditional PPO and HMO plans: Our recommendation is to call your insurance about a week before your appointment and ask if your plan’s network includes our office, and what patient cost sharing may be applied.

Bring the patient’s Insurance Card to every visit. Patients with insurance are responsible for ensuring that our insurance records and other information are up to date. If your insurance has changed please call or contact us immediately. Patients who have not presented a valid active insurance card will be considered self-pay/cash-pay- and they must pay in full at the time of visit at check-in. Our front office staff will tell you your account balance and ask if you want to make full payment. Patients will have full responsibility for charges if we cannot process a claim due to incomplete, inaccurate, or obsolete information. If your insurance changes, you must notify us immediately (even if you do not yet have your card); delays caused by patients can result in the claim being uncollectible from insurance, resulting in the patient having full responsibility for all charges.