Advance Behavioral Health Services

Autistic Spectrum Disorders Treatment in Chicagoland

Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) refer to a range of neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication. The term “spectrum” is used because the symptoms and severity can vary widely among individuals.

Signs & Symptoms of Autistic Spectrum Disorder

1.Social Communication Challenges:

2.Repetitive Behaviors and Restricted Interests:

Treatment Options

1.Social Communication Challenges:

3.Occupational Therapy:

2.Speech and Language Therapy:

4.Educational Support:


The diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) involves a multi-step process that usually includes developmental screening, comprehensive diagnostic evaluation, and the use of standardized diagnostic tools. Certified specialists collect a comprehensive history that includes birth history, family health history, and developmental milestones. Neuropsychological testing provides the most in-depth diagnosis methods, allowing patients to gain a better understanding of their mental health status.

Help Manage Your Autistic Spectrum Disorder

With support from our expert providers you can go…

1.From social isolation to engaging in meaningful relationships:

With social skills training and therapy, individuals with ASD can move from struggling to connect with others to building and maintaining meaningful friendships and relationships

2. From limited communication to effective self-expression:

Through speech and language therapy, a person with ASD can progress from having difficulty communicating their needs and thoughts to expressing themselves clearly and effectively in conversations.

3.From rigid routines to adaptable behavior:

Behavioral interventions can help an individual with ASD go from being highly distressed by changes in routine to becoming more flexible and adaptable in various situations.

4. From sensory overload to sensory management:

Occupational therapy and sensory integration strategies can help someone with ASD transition from being overwhelmed by sensory input to managing and coping with sensory sensitivities more effectively.

5.From academic challenges to educational success:

With tailored educational support and accommodations, a student with ASD can move from struggling with schoolwork and classroom participation to achieving academic success and thriving in an educational setting.

How To Get Started

1. Fill in the new patient form

2. Receive your personalized evaluation & treatment plan

3. Experience mental wellness